Additional specific value-adds of t.hub include:
- Creation and improved traceability of approval chains
- Real-time data dashboards
- Improved tracking of global projects and delivery dates
- Connection of global content workflow infrastructure components
- Proactive examination of the full process workflow
- Cost reduction via the elimination of duplicate or standalone processes

The Marketplace
The Marketplace is a central location to select and manage the critical vendor resources that create, manipulate, and translate your global content. Don’t have t.hub? No worries. The marketplace is open to everyone.
Additional specific value-adds of The Marketplace include:
- Increased visibility into specific resource costs
- Traceability back to specific resources
- Real-time vendor cost calculations
- A single location to manage payment to vendor resources
Bespoke Services
Bespoke Services give you the opportunity to quickly and efficiently solve large and small technology challenges. We know we can help you move forward.

Additional specific value-adds of Bespoke Services include:
- Expertise in more esoteric technology challenges
- Optimization via increased integration between systems
- Headache Reduction: Eliminates the need to beg for resources you need for your projects