Manage your entire global content workflow with t.hub and The Marketplace
Loquell’s single platform gives you the power to take full control
Finally, a tool that gives you full visibility and control!

Content creation, content approval, content QA, localization, and localization QA often exist in disparate, unconnected systems. Technology agnostic, t.hub sits above these systems to give you the power to virtually tie them all together. t.hub isn’t a substitute for your technologies; rather, it’s the tool that enables you to intelligently manage them.

With so many pieces of the workflow owned by so many different company functions, it’s difficult to get a clear picture of an entire project. t.hub solves this challenge. Real-time data dashboards provide details on the status of each piece of the project. t.hub enables you to view disparate tasks as a single, easily managed project.

Every company has a process or two that can be improved. Without a full picture of the entire global content workflow, however, understanding which of these processes is lagging can be difficult. t.hub provides the overview necessary to clearly see the opportunities to improve. t.hub also gives you the ability to save money by revealing duplicate or standalone processes that could be eliminated or merged with others.
The Marketplace
Access, monitor, and fully manage the resources
you need to complete every task in the global content workflow

The Marketplace is unique. In a single location, The Marketplace gives you access to resources with expertise in the individual tasks that comprise the global content workflow. Do you need a content author or require help with training modules? Perhaps you need a resource to copy edit a blogpost or translate the blogpost into German? Regardless of your specific requirement across the content workflow, The Marketplace is your single resource to find the help you need.

A variety of departments own parts of the global content workflow. The actual resources doing the work are neither visible nor traceable to the entire company. The Marketplace changes this by providing a single location both to monitor current projects and attribute previous work to the responsible individuals. The Marketplace combines and organizes all your workflow resources.

The cost of resources working on the global content workflow are often hidden and seldom monitored. The Marketplace allows you to easily calculate every project’s real-time cost.
Total access to these real-time costs is a great way for you to make sure that projects remain on-budget.